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viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013


We, the organizations that promote the Bolivian Blue October Campaign, a social mobilization that defends water as a common good and a human right and proposes an amendment to our National Political Constitution, that water must be out of the control of corporations and be treated as a fundamental good for life, speak regarding a reality that is evident in several regions.

Concerned by the lack of transparent information and processes of wide and diverse participation in the knowledge and elaboration of Legal Projects of water, Laws of Consultation, Laws of Mining and Fuel processing, we express the following:

·      Water constitutes a fundamental element for life, not only that of people but of nature itself, thus high priorities must be set in the use, the planning, the investment and public policies to assure that the care of water, its sources and of human rights to water and its use given the high demand of extracting activities by industries, especially in the context of the increasing climate crisis and global changes.
·      We express our deep concern that once again this kind of norms will give advantageous treatment to some so called “strategic sectors” for the economy of the country (such as mining, fuel extraction, industry) without the correct application of the  precautionary principle without respect of the constitutional right to water for persons, communities and nature.
·      We call upon Bolivian society to be sensitive and to speak up about the expressions of certain authorities of the Plurinational Government to allow the work of petroleum and mining explorations in Bolivia’s National Parks, as this not only has an effect upon nature, but also on the rights of the Indigenous Peoples who live there.
·      We express our concern that in spite of the fact that Bolivia has made important advances regarding the recognition of the human right of water in our Political Constitution of he State, the present economic model is capitalistic and destructive and is leading humanity to a high level of contamination above the limits of the planet. Climate Change is the clearest expression of this crisis, whose impact in Bolivia will be of mayor proportions, that is why we repeat our conviction of the claims of the debt by developed countries for climate destruction.  We also call for all authorities who are charged with implementing measures to confront climate change and the vulnerability of our country locally.
·      We demand complete information and attention of the government to the demands of the organizations that over many years have been struggling for environmental justice in their communities, as is the case of CORIDUP (the Coordinator in defense of the Desaguadero River Basin, Lakes Uru and Poopó, that are being affected by environmental passivity and the contamination of its water sources without looking for effective and immediate solutions that have been needs for several years.
·      We demand that there be established broad spaces for discussion about development models existing in our country, and especially after the failure of the Yasuni Project in Ecuador, a fact that should make us aware and move all economic interests that have acted without any vision of the future, responsibility toward our children and creativity to find solutions, provoking a setback to all the talk about the Rights of Mother Earth. We regret that our economic and productive matrix is based in extractive activities and has not looked for real solutions for the crisis.
·      We join the Global campaign against Fracking as a new false solution for the present energy crisis promoted by the corporation that are guilty of more contamination of the planet. Fracking is a criminal technology that exploits shale gas while contaminating subterraneous waters, the atmosphere, letting microshakes loose, and using great quantities of water. We declare ourselves in solidarity with the dozens of groups in resistance that have been able to obtain moratoriums in the United States, the United Kingdom and in Argentina.
·      Finally, we ask the national government to make available discussion spaces for public and transparent debate where civil society in all instances and where the organizations and institutions, that are committed with defending water, can participate in the legal processes, norms and public policies so that our proposals will be listened to and taken into account in the defense of Water that it may be healthy in the future for our children and grand-children, and for nature that supports us.

La Paz, October 2013
Translation by Mary Peter Bruce, SL

Campaña Boliviana por el Derecho a la Educación
Plataforma boliviana frente al cambio climático
Grupo de Trabajo de Cambio Climático – Regional La Paz
Agroecodes - Chuquisaca
AMUPEI - Chuquisaca
Anapa - Oruro

Agua Sustentable
Asamblea de Derechos Humanos de Cochabamba
ASE – Lidema Chuquisaca
Asociación de regantes y comités de agua de Tupiza
Asociación Departamental de Regantes y sistemas comunitarios de agua potable de Santa Cruz
Asociación protectora de animales - Chuquisaca
Bus Ecológico – UEPI Intervida - El Alto
Carrera de Medio Ambiente – Universidad Autónoma Tomas Frías


CEP  Santos Marka Tula - Oruro
CEPA - Oruro

Colectivo Rebeldía - Santa Cruz
Comité Octubre Azul de Tarija
Comunidad GRUPO DE ORO - La Paz
Comunidad Maria Auxiliadora - Cochabamba
Comunidades afectadas por contaminación minera del distrito municipal III - Tupiza
Encuentro Social Alternativo - Santa Cruz

Federación de Mujeres Campesinas de Bartolina Sisa - Tupiza
Fundación Allin Kawsay Tukuypaj - Chuquisaca
Fundación Sinparispa - Chuquisaca
Fundación Solidaridad y Amistad - Chuquisaca
Fundación Solón
Fundación Treveris - Chuquisaca
ICBA – Ecomuseo - Chuquisaca
Marcha Mundial de Mujeres - Bolivia
Molle CDS - Chuquisaca
Movimiento Franciscano Justicia, Paz e Integridad de la creación – La Paz
PROBIOMA - Santa Cruz
Reacción Climática
Remte - Bolivia
Red Tinku Juvenil
Sindicato Agrario OPLOCA - Tupiza
Sociedad Ecológica de Potosí (SOPE)
Taller de arte e integración popular - Tupiza

Organizaciones de la ciudad de Oruro:

Centro de Ecología y Pueblos Andinos CEPA , Programa de Reducción de la Vulnerabilidad ante el cambio climático CEPA – LIDEMA,  CEP “Santos Marka Tula”–, Campaña “Oruro te quiero limpia, , Centro de Apoyo a la Educación Popular (CAEP), Santuario del Socavón * FEDJUVE –ORURO, SEDERI – Oruro,  PAIS VIVE : La Fuerza de la Juventud, Movimiento Franciscano Justicia y Paz,CEPROMIN Suyu Suras, Teatro Sin Fronteras, CORIDUP, ECOMUJERES, ANAPA , ECOJOVENES, Escuela de Formación de Lideres Ambientales , Red Pio XII, JARAÑA, Scouts Capitán Ustarez Segunda División del Ejército , Patrullas Ecológicas, Instituto de Desarrollo y Ambiente (IDA),  Centro de Investigación y Políticas Sociales CIPS, Plataforma en defensa Medio Ambiente y la Madre Tierra, Sindicato de la Prensa Oruro , Red UMAVIDA

Adhesiones internacionales:

Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo (PIDHDD)
PADPA - Haiti

Para mayores adhesiones: octubreazulbolivia@gmail.com